
Basic studio · Center of the resort · Slopes view · Ski locker


4 persons · 4 beds ·

La Plagne Altitude

Very nice studio on the resort center for 3/4 people of 31 m²
bookings on sunday / sunday uniquement

1 star (july 2024)

It is situated on the third floor with a south west exposition and with a balcony (slopes view).

Kitchen : in the living-room with 2 hotplates, un refrigerator, an oven and a dishwasher

Divisible living-room : with a curtain : 2 sofa beds + 2 single beds, 1 flat screen TV

Bathroom : bath

Separate toilet

Bedlinen and towels are not provided
Pay ski resort WIFI

Pets not allowed
  • generique_capacite_max : 4 persons

Facilities and services


  • Balcony/terrace
  • TV
  • Elevator


  • Dishwasher

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
45.507794, 6.707148

  • annuaire_fiche_distance_gare : 21.00 km
  • annuaire_fiche_distance_gare_routiere : 21.00 km
  • annuaire_fiche_distance_supermarche : 0.10 km
  • annuaire_fiche_distance_ville : 0.10 km




The building is in Belle Plagne resort It's composed of 4 floors with a lift, located on the heart of the station Access to the slopes about 5 min and the shops are near to the residence Individual ski locker Pay underground parking at about 50 meters to the residence All the shops are unless 100 meters


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Services and guarantees

lock Secure payment
menu_book All inclusive
support_agent Personalized advice in english, french and russian
domain_add Renovated apartments
downhill_skiing XXL ski area